District Cooling is the latest environmental-friendly alternative to traditional chillers installed in individual buildings.
We provide chilled water for the air-conditioning system to the KLS’s buildings and complexes through our Centralized Chilled Water Plant. District Cooling is the latest environmental-friendly alternative to traditional chillers installed in individual buildings. District cooling system produce chilled water at a central plant and distributes it through underground pipes to buildings connected to this system. Customers can then use chilled water to meet their air-conditioning needs. Individual building no longer needs large space to host chillers or cooling towers. With District Cooling, an uninterrupted supply of cold water is available with minimum environmental impact i.e. significant reduction of energy consumption as well as of CFC and CO2 emissions.
District cooling plant
District cooling to buildings
(Source: Google Images)
The Benefits of District Cooling
District Cooling can reduce electricity usage by more than 65% compared to traditional air conditioning systems. As a comparison, traditional chiller plants account for up to 70% of the electricity usage in a large building.
Individual power consumption is reduced substantially by a shift of load from each building to a central plant. Operational and maintenance costs for spare parts are also greatly reduced.
District Cooling also has advantages in terms of space and comfort. When the individual chiller units and their related equipment are rendered obsolete, the users of the building will no longer be disturbed by intermittent noises or mechanical vibrations which traditional chillers generate.
The removal of the traditional chiller units will also give the building better appearance or aesthetics. District Cooling also provides a better indoor climate through a lower indoor humidity which is obtained by a better chilled water temperature control.